Aviva Stadium is located in Dublin, where is capital of Ireland. It is called Dublin Arena without corporate sponsorship.アイルランドの首都ダブリンにあるラグビー・サッカー場です。命名権を外してダブリン・アリーナーとも呼びます。
It was opened in 2010, capasity is 51.7 thousand people.開場は2010年、収容人数は51,700人。
Aviva Stadium was built on the site of the former Lansdowne Road stadium, which was built in 1872 and demolished in 2007(capasity was 49.25 thousand people included standing only terraces).
Lansdowne Road is southern Dublin. Ireland national rugby team's home ground and there is Irish Rugby football union.ダブリン市の中央よりやや南にランズダウン・ロードはあります。アイルランド代表のホーム・グラウンドでアイルランド・ラグビー協会があります。
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland entry by forur countries as England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland for FIFA world cup and Rugby world cup, Soccer is different team as Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland but Rugby is one team as Ireland island because it related history, Irish Rugby Football Union was founded in 1879, Irish Football Association was founded in 1880, Republic of Ireland was created in 1922 and Football Association of Ireland was founded in 1921. Ireland national rugby team sing Ireland's Call that is National anthem of island of Ireland.
Dublin is the largest city in Ireland located east coast. The north latitude 53 degrees and the west longitude 6 degrees as same as GMT(Greenwich Mean Time). The population is 1,900 thousand.ダブリンはアイルランド島の北部で北緯53度、西経6度でグリニッジ世界標準時間。人口190万人。
Ireland was British colony since 1652, Republic of Ireland was created in 1922.アイルランドは1652年イングランドの植民地となり、1922年に独立しました。
Guiness beer is famous in the world, it's brewer is popular places of sightseeing. If you love beer, you should be visit there.ギネス・ビールは世界的にも有名で工場は観光名所になっています。ビール党ならば一度は訪れたいです。

➜Go to Ireland➜Go to Irish beer➜Avivaスタジアムのチケットは
posted by RUGBY ALL OUT大好き at 20:18|
