
Ellis Park Stadium、エリス・パーク・スタジアム

Ellis Park stadium is located south-east of Johannesburg where is the largest city in South Africa.
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It was opened in 1928, capasity is 59 thousand people.
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Johannesburg City Council J.D. Ellis made it named Ellis Park and which named is Emirates Airline Park by sponsorship since 2015(Former name was Coca-Cola Park between 2008 and 2012). South Africa national rugby team Springboks's home ground. There was played final game in rugby world cup in 1995.
ヨハネスブルグ市職員のJ.D. エリスが創設したことからエリス・パークと名付けられました。2015年に命名権を取得してエミレーツ・エアライン・パークとなりました(2008年から2012年までは、コカ・コーラ・パーク)。南アフリカ代表のホーム・グラウンドで、ラグビー・ワールドカップ1995年の決勝戦が行われました。
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Johannesburg is located north-east of South Africa, the south latitude 26 degrees 12 minutes and the east longitude 28 degree as + 2hours UST(Universal Standard Time). The population is 4.4 million.
The first European visited to South Africa was Vasco da Gama who discovered sea route to India in 1498, the Cape of Good Hope developed as a supplement harbor.
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There was became Dutch colony since that first Dutch visited in 1931 then British settlers increased for discovered of diamonds and gold in end of 18 centuries after that there was became British colony in beginning of 19 centuries but South Africans resisted and negotiated to independent so Union of South Africa created in 1910 and they was independence from the British Government in 1931. However South Africa was became to stood alone in international business because Apartheid, Nelson Mandela who was first black president, stopped the Apartheid and returned international stage.

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