
Stadio Olimpico Roma、スタディオ・オリンピコ・ディ・ローマ

Stadio Olimpico Roma is the second largest studium in Italy and located within the Foro Italico sports complex, north of Roma where is the capital city of Italy.
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It was opened in 1937 then it was rebuilt for FIFA world cup in 1990, capasity is 70.6 thousand seats. There is Federazione Italiana Rugby.
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It was played Roma Olympics main stadium in 1960, FIFA world cup in 1990 final game and several games, and also World Athletics Championships in 1987. It is the home ground of Italy national football team, Italy national Rugby union team, Italian footaball club A.S. Roma and S.S. Lazio.
1960年のローマ・オリンピックのメイン会場として使用されて、1990年のFIFAワールドカップのため半透明の屋根の増設なとの改修が行われ決勝戦のほかメイン会場に使用されました。1987年の世界陸上にも使用されました。サッカー・イタリア代表、サッカー・セリエ AのASローマ、SSラツィオ、そしてラグビー・イタリア代表のホーム・グラウンドです。
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Roma is the largest city in Italy located west coast. The north latitude 41.53 degrees where is almost same as famous of tsuna fishing town Ohma, Aomori, the east longitude 12.28 degrees as Central European Time (CET) that is ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. The population is 2,860 thousand. , used in most parts of Europe and a few North African countries, is a standard time which is 1 hour.
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Vatican City State is the smallest country in the world within Roma.
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The popular cityscape is Colosseum(70–80 AD) that was built in the Roman Empire, Trevi Fountain that was reconstructed in 1762.
The City of Water, Venezia is 500km North from Roma, it takes about 3 to 4 hours by express train or about 5 and half horus by car. It is once would like to go because when I visited Tokyo Disney sea.

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